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Exciting Moments

05/21/2024. Our team gets our 1st external grant from NSF CBET Division in response to Engineering Research Initiation (ERI) solicitation!!  We will explore liquid:liquid interfaces and interfacial reactions in hierarchically cross-connecting nanoporous materials. Stay tuned!

05/02/2024. We are awarded an internal FEAD grant from RIT COS to enhance declined external propsoals.

04/10/2024. We are awarded an internal grant from RIT SRS to study CO2 capture in MOFs.

03/17/2024. Dr. Liu attends ACS Spring 2024 at New Orleans and delivers an oral presentation talking about our most recently published article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS)A Nanocavitation Approach to Understanding Water Capture, Water Release, and Framework Physical Stability in Hierarchically Porous MOFs.

01/15/2024. Alex Fatouros joins our team.

11/24/2023. After a 7-month waiting, 3Flex from Micromeritics and FTIR from ThermoScientific arrive at Brown Hall.

11/14/2023. Dr. Liu accepts an invitation to serve as one of the guest editors for a special issue of “Retroconstruction of Porous Crystalline Networks for a Sustainable Future” in Frontiers in Chemistry.

11/07/2023. Dr. Liu joins Chemical Engineering Department at RIT as an affiliated faculty.

05/22/2023. Dr. Liu attends the 2023 NSF/CHE Early Career Investigator Workshop held in person at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia on May 22 and 23.   

2023 NSF CHE Early Career PI Workshop.jpeg

05/01/2023. Dr. Liu joins Ph.D. program in Microsystems Engineering Department at RIT as a program faculty.

04/01/2023. Dr. Liu starts serving on ACS Rochester Local Section Executive Committee as an Alternate Councilor for his 1st two-year term:

02/14/2023. 1st research proposal from our lab is submitted to NSF MPS-LEAPS!

01/09/2023. Our Lab of Nanoporous Materials opens in School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Rochester Institute of Technology.

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